Programming 33
- The goal of good practices
- UUID, ORM and strange deadlocks
- Poor performance of Eloquent ORM in comparison to Doctrine
- Unlocking ORM Performance - The Essential Role of Read Models
- Shotgun surgery - How to avoid it and achieve safety and high productivity
- Container Efficiency in Modular Monoliths - Symfony vs. Laravel
- Laravel - Bootstrap time optimization by using a hashtable to store providers
- Rethinking Mocking - DIY Approach vs. Frameworks on examples in PHP and Typescript
- Tips for optimizing integration tests
- Uncovering the bottlenecks - An investigation into the poor performance of Laravel’s container
- Laravel – AggregateServiceProvider affects the performance
- Laravel – variadic parameter trap
- Modeling a future action
- An absolutely clean domain or just common sense
- Circuit Breaker
- Mutation testing – we are testing tests
- Strict types w php
- Generatory w php
- Array destructuring
- Encja powinna być zawsze poprawnym obiektem
- Active record (Eloquent) vs Data mapper (Doctrine)
- Service locator vs Dependency injection
- Kompozycja ponad dziedziczenie
- SOLID – Dependency inversion principle
- SOLID – Interface segregation principle
- SOLID – Liskov substitution principle
- SOLID – Open/closed principle
- SOLID – Single responsibility principle
- Profilowanie i optymalizacja
- Misja Gynvaela 008
- Jak się rozwijać w kierunku IT i nie zwariować?
- Tworzenie tła z poruszającymi się cząsteczkami